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Instituto Valle de Mexicali

English » Preschool and Elementary

Preschool and Elementary

Welcome to our  Marist family of Instituto Valle de Mexicali.



The English program of Instituto Valle de Mexicali focuses in developing the four linguistic skills that our children will require as future global citizens to face social, academic and professional challenges.


Our students in Preschool develop neurolinguistics skills that will allow them to acquire the English language using a natural approach.


As Marists educators, we focus in covering the language learning needs of our children, by using innovating didactic and methodological strategies so the classes are fun, ludic, practical and quite significant for the children. This way, they match the knowledge of their native language with the English language.


In Elementary school, our young students live the Marist Mission, they are taught with love, therefor our kids enjoy acquiring their second language through academic and recreational reading, they  socialize new knowledge  with their classmates through  oral presentations and games where they increase  their vocabulary and  writing production.